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2022-01-14 A happy annual dinner party of Yan Group to celebrate the harvesting of 2021. Best of luck for all members in the New Year!

2022-01-04 Xinhai's paper on the new concept of Dynamical Covalent Polymer Aerogels (DCPAs) was accepted for publication in National Science Review. Congrats Xinhai!

2021-12-09 Jun's paper on the new concept of MECHANICALLY INTERLOCKED VITRIMERS was accepted for publicaiton in JACS. Congrats Jun!

2021-11-08 Yan group held the first collaborative research seminar about stretchable polymer with Huawei Company. And Yuhang made a presentation entitled by “The Development of Stretchable Dynamic Polymer”.

2021-09-10 Welcome New Members!

The Yan Research Group welcomes new Ph.D. student Mengling Yang (M.E., Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Ph.D. student Shaolei Qu (B.E., Qingdao University), and new master student Zhen Luo (B.E., Fudan University).

2021-06-28 Peitong defends his thesis and successfully obtains his bachelor degree! And Guangfeng finishes his postdoctoral career and is given a great position in Zhejiang University. Wish them all the best in their new post! Congrats Guangfeng and Peitong!

2021-05-30 Dong's work on the imitation of mortise-and-tenon joint to construct a mechanically adaptive yet dynamically stable mechanically interlocked network was published online in Angewandte Chemie. Congrats Dong!

2021-05-30 Zhewen's paper on the understanding of TPE’s photophysics under locked conformations was accepted by JACS. Congrats Zhewen, a wonderful undergraduate student!

2021-05-30 Shentu's paper describing the manipulation of morphologies and mechanical properties of triblock copolymers via supramolecular polymerization was published in a special issue of "Journal of Materials Chemistry A Emerging Investigators 2021". Congrats!

2021-05-20 Prof. Dahui Qu from East China University of Science and Technology and Prof. Guojie Zhang from Guangzhou University visited Yan group and delivered interesting lectures for us on 5/20/2021.